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The Real Hickory Podcast

Mar 2, 2019

This week we talked to Kevin Mc Millan who has an insurance office in Newton NC. We discussed how to get into the insurance business, tips for getting homeowners insurance and things to look out for when picking an insurance company. It was a great conversation and Kevin was very informative. Kevin even talked about some past horror stories he has heard about in his years in the business. I really think you will like our discussion.

To contact Kevin reach out to him via email at 


Podcast Credits:


The Real Hickory Podcast is hosted by Mike Kelly Jr. President of Hickory Real Estate Group Inc. The opinions and views on the show are from mike and do not reflect the views of any other organization. If you are interested in being a guest on the podcast or advertising opportunities reach out to mike directly.


Music Author miguelji Title Blues Groove


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